8 Feb 2016

Fear of the Unknown

Submitted by admin

Fear of the Unknown music and lyrics are written by Vic Stathopoulos. This song features a cool catchy bassline, cool drums and a really nice build up musically.


About the Song

This version is called fear of the unknown 1.4.15 Slate. This mix features Slate plugins. The song features vocals, drums, bass and acoustic guitar.

You can also read the Fear of the Know lyrics.


Facing our fears ain't easy. I spontaneously came up with the idea. At the time when I was writing it I was facing many fears and realised we have so many.

Fear of the Unknown

Is it possible for people not to have any fears? Sometimes we have fears and we simply can't work out what they are and we just have to face them even if the seem invisible.

I hope you enjoyed the song and may it help you face any "Fear of the Unknown'.
Please note you can rate the song below and please tell all your friends about this page and send along to here.


Vic Stathopoulos

Update: Added the new graphic for Fear of the Unknown song on Saturday 6th May 2017.

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