3 Feb 2016

Negative People

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Negative People was music and lyrics are by Vic Stathopoulos. The song is in electronic music style - there is no guitar in this song,

About the Song

The song was written on 26 February 2014.

I wrote this song spontaneously.  I came home after work and turned my mac book pro computer on and used Logic Pro which is a Mac Music Software program.

Using the Axiom 49 keyboard and a synth sound from Logic Pro, I instantly came up with the synth for Negative People. I then improvised the music and sang along and thats how the melody and lyrics came up.

After writing the song I felt very happy with the melody and its catchiness, but the song topic 'negativity' bothered me. I thought people might not relate to the song because its about dealing and avoiding negative people. I considered changing the song title to Positive People and making the lyrics about people being posititve, but I felt by changing it I wouldn't be true to myself and the song topic.

So I decided to keep the song the way it is because if anyone was experiencing negative people or negative people hopefully the song might inspire them or perhaps inspire them to be positive.

Dealing with Negative People

Do you think this song helps you? I think the third verse in the Negative People lyrics gives some possible solutions in how to deal with Negative People.

I wrote another song which is sort of a sequel to Negative People and its called Be Yourself. With this song I try to point out we should all 'Be Ourselves'. Yes sometimes it ain't easy, but its nice to be able to be individual and be ourself.

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Vic Stathopoulos

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